Introducing the Rokt Calendar Event Engagement Score

Rokt Calendar is excited to introduce the Event Engagement score for all event reminders.

The Event Engagement Score represents the percentage of subscribers that click into a calendar event reminder within a 15 minute window before and after an event start time.

Rokt Calendar is now one step further to closing the loop from subscription to tune-in by determining how many subscribers are taking action when reminded to watch TV or engage with an event.

While reminder impressions are still essential in determining engagement and cut through, the Event Engagement score demonstrates that audiences are taking action by opening their calendar and engaging with reminders in real-time.

In addition to this, we will soon be adding support for click through tracking from links within calendar reminders. 

Twice the engagement of email

On average, 15% of audiences that are notified via their calendar are interacting with events during the reminder window.  Sports events have the most engagement with 17% of subscribers engaging with their calendar when they are reminded of live events.

When compared to open rates across digital channels for media companies, Rokt Calendar provides higher engagement rates than email and app push notifications.  On average,  41% of subscribers interact with calendar events on the day of a broadcast versus the 23% and 20% respectively for email and push notifications.  Unlike, emails, Rokt Calendar also offers real-time notifications ensuring subscribers will receive messaging prior to air-time.

Increase Engagement through Deep Links in Calendar Events

Many clients have found success boosting engagement by including deep links in the event details. Deep links enable subscribers to consume content with ease by initiating desired actions with one click. Subscribers can be directed to various different sources like video content, articles, ticket sales, merchandise, app downloads and live streams.

As an example, Columbus Blue Jackets and UFC utilize the events detail to drive subscribers to ticket sales and and game-time second screen statistics.

The new Event Engagement score offers analytical insights on the value of driving Rokt Calendar reminders. With the added measurability, it’s clear that calendaring is influencing tune-in all season long.  Start using the calendar engagement tool yourself and see why Rokt Calendar is an essential marketing channel to your strategy!